New Gallery Room!

I’ve been helping my mom the past few months clear out a huge room in her house that’s been used for storage. The vision for it is multi-faceted. Number one is, it will be a golf game room with golf simulator! The other idea for the room just blossomed from that. How perfect this room would be as an art gallery?? 😮
We cleared out the mess, shredded documents, donated lots of stuff, reorganized another storage room to fit the excess stuff! Everyone in my family helped to make this happen. The kids actually put this foam flooring in which is super comfy under your feet! I ordered professional gallery lights that are so amazing! Next the art will hang.
The golf simulator will be here in a couple weeks and will take up most of the back wall, but will mostly fold out of the way when an exhibition is happening with my art! The plan?, to have an exhibition in Fall 2022 with 2-3 different series of my work. I’ll keep you all posted!!
Here are before and after photos of our transformation of the room now. Before and after!