
Erika Masterson is a Fine Art Photographer, living her dream between two worlds, a lakeside cabin tucked in the Southern Appalachian mountains and a quiet beach town on Florida’s east coast.Erika and her husband Ed have 4 children and one granddaughter. Her children are often seen in her artistic works.
She received her degree in photography from the Southeastern Center for Photographic Studies in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1990. In 1999 opened her own commercial portrait business and has been working the past 20+ years in California and Florida.
In 2012 Erika expanded her Art including many exhibits and awards. Her most recent accolades; Solo Exhibition Soho Gallery New York; the Co-Jurors Choice award by Joyce Tenneson under the theme “The Intimate Portrait”; She was chosen as a Julia Margaret Cameron finalist for her series “A Message for my Daughter” and was selected as Black and White Magazine’s Portfolio Spotlight winner for her series Sara’s Sojourn.
Her quiet and soulful images have been published in numerous magazines such as Black and White Magazine 2014 & 2017, Victoria Magazine 2000 & 2016, Silvershotz Magazine, Shots Magazine, 5×5 Magazine, Bella Grace Magazine, Raine, Shadow & Light and In-Style Magazine. Erika recently has her images being sold around the world and on greeting cards with Palm Press and book covers. She has also self-published 4 books with her series of work.
Artist Statement
What is this mystery that we seek? This hidden knowing, pulling at our hearts. The sense of not belonging to this world, but another.And there in the tension of our struggles, we find a divine mingling of two worlds.
I create images for another glimpse into this mystery, where the tension of change and surrender of heart see the hidden and unknown.
With my photographs, I hope to evoke an awareness of one’s own journey through our natural longing to connect with nature. That connection is what I seek to bring into existence in my images, where “inner self” is unveiled through vulnerability. The layering of my images, portraits blended with natural elements, embodies that divine connection.
Erika Masterson 2023
Degree in Photography from the Southeastern Center for Photographic Studies, Daytona Beach, FL 1988-1991.
Fine Art PhotographerOwner Erika Masterson Fine Art Imagery 2000-present. Professional photographer.
2022 The Gary R. Libby Gallery, Daytona Beach, Fl Solo Exhibition “Hidden Depths”.
2021 Arts on Douglas New Smyrna Beach, Fl Solo Exhibition “Mystery of waters”.
2019 Soho Photo Gallery New York City, Solo exhibition “Tangled up in beauty”.
2017 SE Center for Photography, Co-Jurors Choice by Joyce Tenneson, The Intimate Portrait “Life Boat”.
2017 Julia Margaret Cameron Finalist-Series - “A Message for my Daughter”.
2017 Charles Dodson Black & White - Runner up Overall and 1st place portrait “Keeper”.
2017 International Color Awards Nominee - “Dedication” from Majestic Roots series.
2017 SE Center for Photography - Beyond the Selfie Exhibition “Dream of a Dream”.
2016 SE Center for Photography - “Looking for Signs” Portal Exhibition.
2016 Palm Beach Photographic Center Juried Exhibition, “Secret Garden” & “Ashlyn” chosen.
2016 Nave Gallery Cyanotype Exhibition, 2 images exhibited and traveling, “Falling awake” and “Beauty Berry”.
2016 Center for Fine Art Photography Black and White/Rodney Smith, “Rest” Exhibited.
2016 Photoplace Gallery Black and White, “Secret Garden” on-line exhibition.
2016 Photoplace Gallery Animalia, “Refuge” chosen for on-line exhibition.
2015 Black and White spider Awards 2nd place “Refuge”, honorable mention “Keeper”.
2015 Photoplace Gallery Stories and Secrets exhibition, “looking for Signs” Chosen.
2015 Santa Cruz Art League Beasts on Broadway , Honorable Mention “Keeper”.
2015 Palm Beach Photographic Center. Honorable Mention “Flower Shower”.
2015 June-July Southeast Museum of Photography Alumni Exhibit.
2015 May. AE Backus Museum “Best in show” & 2nd place. Parts of the Earth “Foundation” and “Sanctuary”.
2015 April The New York Center for Photographic Art Juror’s Selection. “Eyes to see” On Display at the New Century Artists Gallery NY, NY in April 2015.
2015 Vero Beach Museum of Art. First Place “Refuge”, second place “Keeper” Featured in Feb 2015 Vero Beach Magazine.
2014 Darkroom Gallery Mirror Mirror Exhibit: 2 images chosen.
2014 May The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO. Black and White exhibit with Jason Landry, image “The Mask”.
2014 First Place “Refuge” Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard November 2014. On display at the King Center.
2013 Nov. Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA. “Fruit of the Vine” Exhibited.
2013 July-Sept. 3rd place Artist, Florida Museum for Women Artists Juried Exhibition, “Dream Synergy” Series.
2013 May-July Boca Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Fl. Image “Fruit of the Vine” chosen for 62nd Annual “All Florida” Juried Exhibit.
2013 April-May. Art Gallery of Viera’s “Black and White and Art all over” exhibit. Vanishing Blooms series.
2013 March-April. Art Gallery of Viera Exhibit “Exposure” 2 images from “Dream Synergy” series.
2013 March-April. EGAD Art Labs Pollen8 Exhibit. Featuring 10 Images from series “Bella Flora” and “Vintage Flower Series”.
Selected Press
2021 Designer Greetings, “come close to me”, “boy with boats” for national print.
2019 Feb Black and White Magazine, Keeper and Awakening award winners published in magazine2017 April Black & White Magazine Spotlight winner “Sara’s Sojourn” Featured.
2017 Palm Press Greeting cards “She just couldn’t keep up” & “Flower Shower” for national print.
2016 Dec. The Sun Newspaper, London Feature “Parts of the Earth”.
2016 Dec. Featureshoot.com feature “Parts of the Earth”.
2016 Nov. Shadow & Light magazine Feature “Sara’s Sojourn”.
2016 Jan “Victoria” Magazine Feature story on series, “A Message for my Daughter”.
2015 Shadow and Light Magazine. Dream Synergy images featured.
2015 Monovisions Best black and white Fine Art for “Dominion”.
2015 July On View Magazine Feature “Flower Shower”.
Sept 2014 Silvershotz Magazine Portfolio and Interview feature of “Dream Synergy” series.
2015 Vero Beach Magazine First Place “Refuge”, second place “Keeper” Indian River Photo Club. 1 mo. display in Vero Beach Museum of Art.
2014 June issue Black and White Magazine Portfolio Contest winner. One of 24 chosen to have “Dream Synergy” portfolio featured in June 2014 issue.
2013 July, 5×5 Magazine. “Dream Synergy” Portfolio Artist and interview featured.
2013 Shots Magazine Summer issue, “Fruit of the Vine” featured.
Lectures & Speaking Engagements
2020 March, Juror, Departures Exhibition, Southeast Museum of Photography.
2019 March Workshop Orleans, Mississippi teaching pigment print process.
2018 April 1 Day Workshop on Creating a Conceptual Body of Work Southeastern Center for photographic Studies Daytona beach, FL.
2018 April Lecture Artist Speaks at the Southeast Museum of Photography.
2017 September 13 Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Fl- Panel Speaker.
2015 / 2016 Speaker Southeastern Center for Photographic Studies Daytona Beach, Fl. Discussed with class my artwork and business strategies.
2015 Official Judge Camera Club of Brevard Annual Photography Competition, 200 members.
2015 Speaker Indian River Photo Club, Vero Beach, Fl. Spoke to large group about latest series “Parts of the Earth”.
2013 Official Judge Camera Club of Brevard annual Photography competition.
2012 Guest speaker Camera Club of Brevard on “Vintage Nostalgia” to over 200 members.
2012 Official Judge for Camera Club of Brevard’s annual photo competition with over 200 members.
Awards & Recognitions
2019 Winner Soho Photo Gallery National Portfolio competition. Soho, NY.
2017 Co-Jurors Choice by Joyce Tenneson-The Intimate Portrait at the SE Center for Photography.
2016 Black & White Magazine Spotlight Award winner. Portfolio will be published in April 2017.
2016 Black and White Spider awards 2nd place Merritt of Excellence “English Lace”.
2015 Black and White spider Awards 2nd place “Refuge”, honorable mention “Keeper”.
2015 Santa Cruz Art League Honorable mention “Keeper”.
2015 Fine Art Photography Awards First Place in Professional Portrait Category.
2015 Palm Beach Photographic Center, Honorable Mention “Flower Shower”.
2015 May. AE Backus Museum Best in show & 2nd place. Parts of the Earth “Foundation” and “Sanctuary”.
2015 First Place Portrait “Revered” Monovisions Black and White Photography Magazine.
2015 Vero Beach Museum of Art. First Place “Refuge”, second place “Keeper” Featured in Feb 2015 Vero Beach Magazine.
2014 The New York Center for Photographic Art, Juriors Selection, “Eyes to See” Dan Burkholder.
2014 First Place “Refuge” Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard November 2014. On display at the King Center.
2013 Black and White Spider Awards Nominee “Memories”.
2012 King Center Harris Gallery of Art, Melbourne, fl. Honorable Mention image “Bella Flora”.
2010 Strawbridge Art Leagues “Vision 2010” First Place “Scottish Fisherman”.
2011 March Brevard Art Museum. “Alter Ego” ran and organized 12 local photographers for the event that raised $50,000 for the museum.